In August of 2022, seventeen years after my last visit, I returned to Utah’s Great Salt Lake to visually document the environmental transformation caused by climate change and water diversion.
Though water levels have historically fluctuated at a normal rate, the lake currently faces levels at an all-time low.

Entropy illustrates the ecological changes that I witnessed in the Great Salt Lake.
Many areas of the lake are rapidly drying, caused by evaporation and lack of water replenishment. Underground petroleum is emerging to mix with the lake’s waters, and microbialites are calcifying and ceasing to provide nourishment for the lake’s ecosystem.

It is apparent that climate change and global warming are wreaking havoc on the Great Salt Lake which translates visually to a wonderland of beauty borne of tragic consequence. The underlying question these photographs ask is: what will the lakebed’s potential destruction mean for the future of the Great Salt Lake, and ultimately, the Earth?

All Images: 2022

Before + After: The Great Salt Lake’s Spiral Jetty Documented by Diane Tuft - 2005 vs. 2022
Pre-order ‘Entropy’ by Diane Tuft at Phaidon.com - May 2024 Release